Rose Quartz - Hearts Large
Main stone: Rose Quartz
Colors present: Pale Pink to almost purple shades
Size: Approx:
Weight: Approx:
Hardness: 2.5 to 3.5 (Mohs Scale)
The universal healing stone for love and relationships associated with the heart chakra.
Has a strong connections to the moon, the Divine Feminine, and the Goddess.
Encourages feelings of compassion, warmth, respect, happiness, understanding, forgiveness, and emotional health.
Encourages unconditional love of oneself and others. Perfect to boost low self-esteem.
Neutralizes electromagnetic frequencies from phones, computers or other appliances.
Excellent stone to help with grief, loss or a broken heart.
Helps to alleviate feeling of betrayal or guilt and release emotional traumas.
Excellent for parents in creating a bond with the baby and in calming fears.
With its strong intuitive abilities, Rose quartz will create and maintain wealth and abundance in all aspects of your life by raising intellect and sharpening perception.
A must have for new business ventures or projects, job interviews, when making a presentation, making large purchases, or during any life changing decision.
A stone for encouraging more companionship, friendship, passion, romance, and laughter into your life. Rose quartz will assist you in finding your soul mate.
Stimulates sexuality and romantic feelings and the courage to ask for what you want.
Keeps you and your partner safe from feelings of jealousy, insecurity, fear, intrusion and gossip.
Can assist in insomnia, depression, and anxiety with its soothing vibration.
Excellent for women of all ages in relieving symptoms of PMS, hormonal imbalances of the reproductive cycle, menstrual cramps and heavy periods.
Regulates blood pressure, harmonizes irregular heartbeats and strengthens the heart muscle.
Boost’s potency and fertility in males, protect the gonads, and increases libido.