Obsidian Carving
Main stone: Obsidian
Colors present: Black, snowflake, rainbow, mahogany, and gold
Size: Approx:
Weight: Approx:
Hardness: 5.5 (Mohs Scale)
A very powerful and intense shadow work stone to confront the darkness within ourselves and unveil our most deeply rooted insecurities and demons. This is a necessary step in the ascension process. You cannot fully embrace the light without first exposing the darkness.
A powerful stone created from rapidly cooling lava from volcanos. As such, it embodies the elements of fire, water, and earth and is revered as a stone of healing.
Obsidian is a stone of truth, honesty, and integrity that will shatter illusions, expose lies, and help you see through the facades while keeping you aligned on your path.
A stone of self-assurance, resilience and strength awakening the inner warrior within us.
Obsidian will stimulate your prophetic gifts and is a powerful cleanser of the aura.
Can turn bad luck into good luck and allow you to move forward when feeling stuck.
If you are plagued by bad chi, obsidian will ward it off and cleanse any negative energies affecting your decision making and thought flow processes with grounding and increased focus.
Promotes self-growth, self-control and self-love so that you can honor your truths and truly receive love and happiness in your life.
Aids in digestion and digestive problems
Lowers blood pressure, help with gallbladder issues, and help with a healthy heart.
Helps with bacterial and viral infections as well as strengthen muscles tissue.
Help to diminish aches of the stomach or brain.
Can draw out stresses and tensions and shed light on the causes.