Chakra Sphere
Main stone: Chakra Sphere
Size: Approx:
Weight: Approx:
Red Jasper – Root (Muladhara) Chakra is the first chakra located at the base of the spine and associated with the colour red, the Earth Element, and our sense of smell. This chakra is our foundation for safety, security and symbolic of our basic human needs for food, shelter, and water.
Blocked: Ungrounded, financial problems, fearful, anxious, colon problems, bladder or elimination issues, lower back, leg or feet issues.
Balanced: Feel stable, safe, grounded, and centered
Overactive: Power hungry, materialistic, overindulgences in physical pleasures
Orange Aventurine – Sacral (Swadhisthana) Chakra is the second chakra located between the pubic bone and navel and is associated with the colour orange, the Water Element and our sense of taste. This chakra is our center for creativity, sensuality, and compassion.
Blocked: No creative inspirations, low libido, fear of intimacy, emotional instability, fear of change, hormonal or fertility issues
Balanced: Passionate, abundant, creative, confident, open, happy
Overactive: Co-dependent, overly emotional, addictive tendencies
Himalayan Quartz – Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra is the third chakra located between the breastbone and navel and is associated with the colour yellow, the Fire Element, and our sense of sight. This chakra is our source of self-esteem and personal power.
Blocked: Anger and control issues, low self-esteem, apathy, difficulty making decisions, self-doubt, digestive issues, slow metabolism
Balanced: Self-confident, energetic, joyful, courageous
Overactive: Egotistical, hyperactive, perfectionist, very critical
Green Aventurine – Heart (Anahata) Chakra is the fourth chakra located in the center of the chest and is associated with the colour green, the element of Air, and our sense of touch. This chakra is responsible for love, relationships, and connectedness.
Blocked: Distrust, envy, jealousy, emotionally closed off
Balanced: Loving, connected, empathetic, peaceful, compassionate
Overactive: Self-sacrificing, co-dependent, possessive, needy, no boundaries
Lapis Lazuli – Throat (Vishuddha)Chakra is the fifth chakra located in the throat area and is associated with the colour blue, the element of Ether, and connected to our sense of communication. This chakra is all about listening attentively and communicating your truth.
Blocked: Fear of judgement, not a good listener, difficulty focusing, timid, thyroid issues, sore throat, tension headaches, neck and shoulder stiffness
Balanced: Effective communicator, listens attentively, diplomatic, confident expression
Overactive: Gossipy, domineering, overly talkative, loud, judgemental of others
Labradorite – Third Eye (Anja) Chakra is the sixth chakra located between the eyebrows and is associated with the colour indigo, the element of Light, and connected to our sense of thought. This chakra governs your intuition and your ability to recognize and tap into it.
Blocked: Little to no imagination, poor focus, poor memory, difficulty learning new skills, judgemental, overly analytical, suffer from depression, anxious, headaches, dizziness
Balanced: Intuitive, focused, imaginative, clairvoyant, open
Overactive: Hallucinations, obsessive, become overwhelming, excessive daydreaming
Amethyst – Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra is the seventh chakra located at the crown of the head and is associated with the color violet. This chakra is our center of spiritual connection to our Higher self and The Divine.
Blocked: Apathy, disconnected with yourself, lack of direction, depression
Balanced: Wholeness, universal love, knowing your life purpose, aware
Overactive: Arrogance, superficial, spiritually addicted, ungrounded